Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Charlotte Grace's Baptism

So this past Sunday was Charlotte Grace's Baptism. She looked so beautiful in her flowing white dress. Everyone was very proud & happy to witness such a wonderful day.

Charlotte Grace entertaining herself with "anything that looks like its not a baby toy" as mommy would say!
Isabelle & Daddy playing while mommy got her make-up done.
Mommy & Isabelle's feet as they watched Little Bill together.
Isabelle's feet as she did her very impressive triceps dips.
Isabelle's reward for letting mommy do her hair: SOME PINK LIP GLOSS! :)
Charlotte's beautiful white dress hung on the door as everyone got ready.

Isabelle & Jess even had matching outfits for the big day!
Isabelle & Daddy :)
Granny getting her make-up done
Granny was very excited for the big day and she waited patiently.
Granny gave Isabelle a very beautiful porcelain tea set.
Isabelle served up a delicious batch of tea.
And she made sure Granny got the first cup.
Everyone was finally ready! Time to head out into the big city to the church!
We arrived to St. Ignatius of Loyola on Park Avenue at 5:30 P.M. to find proud mommy with Charlotte Grace in her arms.
The church was gorgeous!
The whole family was there and ready to head in!
Granny looked stunning & she was ready to head inside to let the ceremony begin :)
The inside was just as beautiful as the outside!
But Charlotte was definitely the star of the day.
Daddy put a beautiful rosary bracelet on Charlotte.
Charlotte admired her new bracelet :)
The family looked so amazing!
Everyone was excited to hold Charlotte on her big day.
Aunt Tiff hugged & kissed Charlotte every chance she got.
Jess watched from her chair right next to Isabelle.
Isabelle was so happy to see everyone!
As Charlotte fell asleep, she could definitely feel the warm love from her family.
Everyone listened closely as the father spoke.
Mommy & Aunt Tiff were so excited & proud :)
Mom, Dad, & the Godparents gathered around for the ceremony.
Mom & Dad were so proud!
And very excited!
The Holy water, oil, & candle awaited Charlotte Grace.
The father spoke in a very friendly and warm voice.
The oil to rub on Charlotte's forehead.
The father carefully rubbed the oil on Charlotte to symbolize life & strength.
Mommy & Isabelle.
The Holy Water.
True motherly love.
The little pitcher was filled with Holy Water.
Sleeping Charlotte's beautiful auburn hair was gently covered in the Holy Water.
Big sister Isabelle was SO proud!
The candle was lit.
Mom, Dad, and Charlotte held the candle for Charlotte Grace.
The empty pitcher.
Mommy, Daddy, Sister, & Godparents
Daddy & Charlotte Grace
Tiff, Charlotte, Mommy, & Granny
Tiff, Charlotte, & Mommy.
The gorgeous main church.
Charlotte & Mommy
Inside the main church

Thus ended Charlotte Grace's baptism.  The day was so beautiful & everyone was extremely proud.  Thank you for letting me be a part of your family for the day!

Lidia Byhower
Green Orchid Photography

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